Temp read failed on font

local CharacterTextBoundParams = Instance.new("GetTextBoundsParams")
CharacterTextBoundParams.Text = CharacterString
CharacterTextBoundParams.Font = Font.fromName(Properties.Font)
CharacterTextBoundParams.Size = TextSize * Padding
CharacterTextBoundParams.Width = Camera.ViewportSize.X

print(CharacterTextBoundParams, TextService:GetTextBoundsAsync(CharacterTextBoundParams))

Font family rbxasset://fonts/families/BungeeInline.json failed to load: Temp read failed. – warning
Temp read failed. – error

Why is BungeeInline font erroring here? Note, this worked fine a few months back (untouched code in months, come back to it not working now)

The docs say PreloadAsync will prevent this issue, which is also a lie

local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")
local TextService = game:GetService("TextService")

ContentProvider:PreloadAsync({ Font.fromName("BungeeInline").Family })

local CharacterTextBoundParams = Instance.new("GetTextBoundsParams")
CharacterTextBoundParams.Text = "TEST"
CharacterTextBoundParams.Font = Font.fromName("BungeeInline")
CharacterTextBoundParams.Size = 32
CharacterTextBoundParams.Width = 32


Why did no one respond to this