Templer, solution for better uniform templates


I just created 3 layered templates for making better layered uniforms. And also I think it could be good if I make a website for converting these templates to default Roblox template.

  1. Press Download Template button.
    Ekran Resmi 2022-08-05 23.48.09

  2. Choose one of these templates and download it, I will choose 3rd one.

  3. open the svg file with your visual editor. (to make it compatible with all common programs I made them as svg [if you are pdn user you have to use this plugin.])
    Ekran Resmi 2022-08-05 23.51.10

  4. Because of it’s layered shape, you can make unnecessary layers invisible.

  5. Make a layered outfit over this. (this is a simple outfit that I made for this tutorial.)

  6. Make you sure you hide or remove template layer after all.

  7. Export it as png.

  8. Turn back to web application and press Import Template button.

  9. Open the png file that you export from your visual editor.

  10. That’s all, download and use them!!

    (Currently you can use https://ingame.clothing/ to preview your designs.)


First Update;

  • From now on you can resize the templates whatever scale you want, the program will automatically translate it to default size after the import.
  • Default scale of the templates reduced by 9x (Original scale of Roblox template)
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