Temporary Ban For 100 Rejoins

My goal is to make a temporary 1 day ban when the player gets kicked out of the game 100 times, but the problem is I don’t know how to make the temporary ban

I’ve tried solutions on the developer hub, but the ban wasn’t placed. Here is the link to the solution I used:

	if game.Players.plr.leaderstats.Kicks < 99 then
        -- this is where the temporary ban should be placed

Using the new BanAsync feature, it’s quite simple to do a temporary ban:

local Player = ...

	UserIds = {Player.UserId},
	Duration = 3600 * 24, -- 1 day
	DisplayReason = "set this",
	PrivateReason = "set this",

Alright, I’m checking if this works. I’ll update you soon


Don’t forget to reset the kicks datastore before banning the player.


Unfortunately, this didn’t work. It’s because of the control statement, because “argument 1 is missing”, and skips over to the normal ending

if game.Players:FindFirstChild(Player).leaderstats.Kicks == 100 then
			UserIds = {Player.UserId},
			Duration = 3600 * 24, -- 1 day
			DisplayReason = "Just take a break.",
			PrivateReason = "",
		game:GetService("BadgeService"):AwardBadge(plr.UserId, --[insert badge id])

what is Player in game.Players:FindFirstChild(Player) ? Also unnecessary use of FindFirstChild use game.Players[Player]

You are passing a instance to the FindFirstChild, that receives a string, try replacing it with game.Players:FindFirstChild(Player.Name). and comparing Player.leaderstats.Kicks which is an instance with 100, add a .Value after Kicks and before the ==.
It also looks like you are passing the wrong thing to AwardBadge in the last line, try it with Player instead of plr.
Or just try with this piece of code:

if game.Players:FindFirstChild(Player.Name).leaderstats.Kicks.Value == 100 then
			UserIds = {Player.UserId},
			Duration = 3600 * 24, -- 1 day
			DisplayReason = "Just take a break.",
			PrivateReason = "",
		game:GetService("BadgeService"):AwardBadge(Player.UserId, --[[insert badge id]])
    local Player = plr.Name
-- the rest of my code is here, but i didn't add it
    if game.Players:FindFirstChild(Player).leaderstats.Kicks == 100 then
			UserIds = {Player.UserId},
			Duration = 3600 * 24, -- 1 day
			DisplayReason = "Just take a break.",
			PrivateReason = "set this",
		game:GetService("BadgeService"):AwardBadge(plr.UserId, 1276017689712360)

plr.Name.UserId doesn’t really make sense does it…
instead of Player.UserId do plr.UserId
Also like @TheMegaPeguinPro said before a intvalue/numbervalue (leaderstats.Kicks) will never be 100, don’t forget to add .Value after it

“Argument 1 missing or nil - Server - Script:23”
Script:23 is if game.Players:FindFirstChild(Player.Name).leaderstats.Kicks.Value == 100 then
the badge script also works when i did it without the statement around it.

since Player is plr.Name, you’re doing plr.Name.Name. Change it to just Player. Unless you changed the Player variable?

if game.Players:FindFirstChild(Player).leaderstats.Kicks.Value == 100 then

You’re actively confusing yourself when making the Player variable its name
Maybe if instead of

local Player = plr.Name

you do

local PlayerName = plr.Name

I tested these changes, and it thinks that the Kicks value is still not 100, when it clearly shows 100 kicks in the leaderboard.
Note: I’m about to go eat dinner, and I won’t be here for around an hour.

How did you change the value? Possible you changed it on the client and it’s the same on the server.

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So it does work, but your code doesn’t?
The error is saying that Player doesn’t exist. How are you defining it?

line 2,

local PlayerName = plr.Name

it was changed on the client. it finally works, now that i changed the value on serverside. thank you for helping.

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the ban script works, obviously, and @Zerin107 has helped my code work. Thank you for your help.

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