TemporaryScriptService.CommandLine is visible in Find All and can be used to crash/freeze Studio

By typing a unique string into the command bar in Studio (with hidden classes shown if that matters), you can use the Find All widget via Ctrl Shift F to search for this unique string and find it in TemporaryScriptService.CommandLine. This module script looks like it’s used to drive the syntax highlighting in the command bar.

Once you have this script open in the script editor, you can make edits to it to influence the syntax highlighting in the command bar, and cause several crashes/freezes within studio related to switching contexts/datamodels.

E.g. Open the CommandLine script, play the game in Studio, make an edit to the script, then stop play mode and make sure to save your script changes when prompted. Studio will crash to desktop.

E.g. Turn on “Break On Unhandled Exceptions” and try to locate the script by right clicking the script tab and choosing Find in Explorer. Focus the viewport again and note that it’s paused for debugging. Press resume then try to play the game. Studio will either crash or freeze.

Expected behavior

This service should be entirely excluded from Find All.

These cases should probably not crash either, but you know, some shenanigans are better off never being seen.


Thank you for the bug report. You are correct that this script was not intended to be user-visible. I will file a ticket to fix this and follow up if we need any more information.


Update: This should now be fixed. The command bar script should no longer be displayed in Find All.

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