Terminal - a windows command prompt like command bar

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Terminal is a plugin that is supposed to be a replacement for the roblox command bar.

Run a command by typing the command name along with the arguments seperated with spaces.

Command Creator
Click the icon with the pencil on it to switch to the command creator and you will see two inputs the top one will be the command name and the bottom one will be the code of the custom command

you will type commands like you would as normal (custom ones not included) and each line is a new command click the icon you previously clicked to switch back


Make Instance, Full Name
Del Full Name
Name Full Name, New Full Name
Raw Code
Set Full Name, Property, Value
Calc Number, Sign, Number


Make Part Game.Workspace.E
Name Game.Workspace.E Game.Workspace.EYE
Del Game.Workspace.EYE

Please suggest any commands i should add to the plugin


Simple concept, but cool. I think you should make it so previous commands stay above, like an actual terminal and also have the ability to clear it.

Have a Property command to set any property to any value, have the ability to run code maybe? that’s pretty much all the normal command bar does and finally you could put a list of all the commands.

This plugin is a little pointless, creating instances normally is easier and faster and currently the normal command bar has more use functionality and use cases, though don’t be discouraged, it’s a cool idea and it could be turned into something useful.


I have a command idea! maybe like a calculator? yknow? like:
Calculate Equation


Great Ideas i will definitely consider them

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It would be hard to programm with the order of operations but i will consider it
Edit: Just decided on 2 number calculations only


@Qinrir and @jujujuujuu I Updated the plugin and added:

  • Property command
  • Code Command
  • Calculate Command
  • list of all the commands
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Another small thing you could make is so when you click a previous command it executes it again or it copies it, and add aliases for the commands or make them shorter, for example instead of Calculate make it Calc, etc. Pretty cool update nonetheless!

: O. epic thanks! (get it epic? lIkE fRoM ePiC gAmEs)

I would love to see custom command feature.

When you click a previous command it copies it into the input box
and i will consider the suggestions again

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sure i will add custom commands

@Qinrir @xFly_Flame1014 and @jujujuujuu Updated the plugin again and i:

  • Changed Some Command Names to be shorter
  • Added a custom command creator

Great updates so far! Though I want to try out the command creator and I don’t know how it works, nor would people new to the plugin. Would you care to explain how it works?

so basically you click the icon with the pencil on it to switch to the command creator and you will see two inputs the top one will be the command name and the bottom one will be the code of the custom command

you will type commands like you would as normal (custom ones not included) and each line is a new command click the icon you previously clicked to switch back

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