Since the new friends web-API has started to roll-out on the friends page; terminated users are no longer granted the “Inactive” status on the friends page; disallowing you from easily identifying terminated users on your friends list but more importantly, disallowing you from unfriending them on said page.
Since you cannot navigate to a terminated user’s profile, this makes it obnoxiously difficult to identify and unfriend a terminated user from your friends list (you basically have to resort to third-party plugins or web APIs). This most certainly isn’t ideal (and I can only assume is a mistake) and the former behaviour should be restored.
Just before anyone starts searching through my profile trying to find the terminated user I was trying to unfriend, I wasn’t trying to unfriend anyone today; rather was just scrolling through my friends list and came across this bug of terminated users not appearing as inactive.
Expected behavior
I expect the behaviour to be similar to the previous behaviour. Users who are terminated should appear greyed-out in your friends list and have “Inactive” as their status with a dropdown menu to remove them as a friend (the dropdown menu should obviously only be visible to the user who owns the account, although all the rest should be visible to everyone; as was previously). It should be worth noting that terminated friends should not be automatically unfriended as many users have false-terminations occur which simply shouldn’t result in you losing all your friends.
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