Awhile back these assets apeared on my account out of nowhere (back when I was pretty young and dident know a thing about DMCA) so I thought the assets dident matter. Then 3 months ago or so I got banned for 3 days because of a DMCA strike and then renembered about these assets. After the 3 day ban I made a request to remove more copyrighted assets but roblox denied. I couldent find the assets in the DevHub or anything so there was just nothing I could do. I already emailed roblox support and told them about the situation and even sent them a ticket number and screenshot of the ticket that was a request to remove the assets. They told me that the ticket I sent was not a real ticket and that I should send a new one. What are your guys thoughts on this and what else should I do?
DM me. I’ll be able to help you get it back.
Can’t help you here because it’s not a one-line solution. We’ll have to try different methods and tricks, which will make our replies get flagged for being off-topic
I cant DM you right now. Your DMS are off.
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K Imma DM you. I forgot my DMs are off.