like 5 years back these assets apeared on my account out of nowhere (back when I was pretty young and dident know a thing about DMCA) so I thought the assets dident matter. Then 3 months ago or so I got banned for 3 days because of a DMCA strike and then renembered about these assets. After the 3 day ban I made a request to remove more copyrighted assets but roblox denied. I couldent find the assets in the DevHub or anything so there was just nothing I could do. After I got banned I emailed roblox support and told them about the situation and even sent them a ticket number and screenshot of the ticket that was a request to remove the assets. They told me that the ticket I sent was not a real ticket and that I should send a new one. what else should I do?
that doesn’t sound right. if this is true then there is something wrong with Roblox Support on a whole new level.
Do you know why you got a DMCA strike? Did the ban message tell you what assets or what game?
They dident tell me but it cant be from a game I made because all assets i make are from me or they are from the toolbox. It also cant be clothing items I made because I dont make clothing items. So it must be these diffrent groups who gave me these random assets/hacked my account
Can you delete the assets from your inventory?
Well not anymore, because im banned. But even if I tried I will still be the “Creator” of these items.
Oh you’re terminated. The only thing you can do is appeal your termination and explain what happened. Do that and see what happens.