Terms of Use inquiry - Buying Robux actually allowed?


I would like to know how I interpret a specific part of the Terms of Use. Please use this hyperlink or read up on the paragraph in question via the image below.

Please take in mind that Roblox’s definition of “third-party services” is clearly defined. The same is true for “third parties”, which is a separate definition. Before replying, consider the former. As I’d like an answer based purely on what’s written in the Terms of Use.


Third-Party Services: "Any content, tools, or other materials created and owned by people or companies other than Roblox that is included as part of, or made available on, the Services. Roblox neither controls nor takes responsibility for any Third-Party Services."

third parties: “people or companies other than Roblox.”

My conclusion:

Given the Terms of Use are carefully written by Roblox. Using “third-party services” instead of “third parties” feels like a deliberate inclusion for developers to buy, sell, trade or give away Robux.

My only takeaway from that point is that you can’t use a third-party service such as Paypal to facilitate the transfer of funds when buying, selling, trading or giving away Robux. Theoretically, this means you can still do the former by giving cash in hand or via a middleman.

this is a repost, the previous topic was not put in the right category

I don’t get your question. How do you read that it’s allowed?

They state “To keep it fair for everyone, some activity in the Roblox economy is prohibited, including:”

" Using third-party services to buy, sell, trade or give away Robux. This does not apply to Roblox gift cards. " end quote.

Since third-party services do not refer to people buying, selling, trading or giving away Robux rather services like Paypal or others. I could just sell Robux and receive hand-in-cash from the person receiving the Robux. I wouldn’t have used a third-party service.

I’m pretty sure third-party transactions are not against TOS. Where it does become rule-breaking is when you purchase/sell to a fraudulent vendor/customer (i.e. vendor with dirty Robux) or in a fraudulent manner.

I’m not a lawyer, this is what I’m assuming is allowed based on the terms. Take my words with a grain of salt. I wouldn’t test this if I were you.

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So you would just potentially fly across half of the country to met up with somebody for a robux trade?

I don’t think that this is realistic, and as such, see this point of yours as invalid.

What if I happen to be near a top-earning developer? I could give them cash for Robux and be compliant with TOS.

you’d be too valuable of an asset to roblox so they likely wont do much

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