This topic should be more in a “Graphical/Rendering Support” category
I noticed that when Terrain and models are loaded they aren’t already loaded graphically
For the terrain I count his Cells from client and server and I compare results
→ I’m just looking for a way to know when the anything is rendered (with the amount finished on the amount to finish if possible)
Well, yes, that’s expected. The replication of those instances is a different matter from downloading the content ids responsible for how some things look (e.g. images and meshes).
You’re honestly not going to find something like this. The closest you can get is RequestQueueSize of the ContentProvider service. This is a dynamically changing property that dictates the number of first-use assets that the client needs to download before they can be displayed. I do believe terrain is part of this count, as they have related texture assets.
So… This way would be in new feature?
I’m sorry? I don’t quite understand your question. This isn’t a new feature, this already does exist.
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I’m saying that maybe it would be a new feature to add 
I don’t think so, primarily because there’s no reason for that to be done and because it can’t necessarily be done. The instances, once they replicate from the server, exist on your client. Anything that has an associated content id needs to be downloaded before it can be displayed.