I am building a map and have noticed something which looks quite problematic in the network tab; the Incoming KB/s “In Clusters” on the network tab is incredibly high and is acting strangely.
What are you attempting to achieve?
I would like to know why this is happening, whether its a problem or not and, if it is, how to fix it. -
What is the issue?
When I join the game (studio test or main game) the incoming clusters is incredibly high. It does not fluctuate at all during playing and is different every time I re-join. It ranges from 0 all the way to around 80,000. Examples below:
What solutions have you tried so far?
I did some testing and found that it was caused by the terrain. When the terrain is deleted, the problem is gone. It also seems to do with parts touching the terrain however I’m not entirely sure as my terrain is in it’s own collision group that doesn’t collide with anything else. I haven’t got much terrain and most of the parts touching it are non-collide, box collision tree meshes. I have already tried disabling all scripts and that didn’t help. I have included some screenshots below: