How’s my terrain design? Sorry I only have one screenshot, but I was going for an island chain, mountain environment thing. Do you have any suggestions? How much do you think I would be able to sell a map like this for if I commissioned my terrain designs?
You could add some pebbles on the ground in some areas, but other than that it’s pretty well done. You could probably sell this for maybe 150-350 R$.
Looks great! A couple of things I would add would be rocks and trees, perhaps maybe a cabin or campsite of some sort somewhere if you wanna sell it as a map. But terrain wise adding more nature would be nice, perhaps also a waterfall would make a good touch.
Its good a thing I would do is smooth the rock a bit, the main problem I have with it though is that its small and not extremely detailed pricing would be low and I probably wouldn’t buy it at all, to increase the value of it add trees, rocks, bushes, water (a waterfall in background leading to a lake may look good) and so on.
I love the terrain, I’d add trees and rocks to fill up the empty space. Also, once your done with formatting your terrain, turn on decorations in terrain in the workspace and decorate your terrain with environmental models. In the background, add a waterfall so it looks more realistic and so you don’t have to deal with many empty spaces. I hope what your looking for will turn out great.