Hi all, I am currently working on a simulator style game and would love some honest feedback on the spawn area. I understand the pictures don’t show much however I don’t want to reveal the games theme just yet. Please give honesty feedback on the terrain, location and environment.
It is difficult to give useful advice in context for your project when we aren’t privy to basic information such as your game’s theme, however I would say that to start, you should focus on changing the terrain up a bit. At the moment, it is extremely simplistic. No incline/decline/elevation of any sort, from what I can see, aside from the single smaller circle island of the three islands on the left-side near green circle spawn.
What you might consider doing, is adding minor decorations, depending on what fits your game’s theme. So if nature would fit the theme of the spawn zone, then perhaps add a tree or some shrubbery/bushes. Perhaps grass, or a fountain. Even a fence or canopy would liven things up a bit. You could also have the three spawn circles sit on top of elevated stone platforms, symbolizing the spawn zones.
You could also focus on the water. Adding architecture if relevant, like a small tower, castle ruins, or just objects floating in the water like a boat, weapon, debris. Maybe a statue showing a feature of the game on one of the islands.
What you add depends greatly on what the game is about, but I’m sure some of these examples can help you brainstorm ways to add decor to the spawn that fits the theme of the game.
There really isn’t much to give feedback on yet, it’s very little shown.
However some scenery was the first thing to come to my mind, some grass/rocks/plants/trees, prehaps some sort of rock path.
Also another thing you could do is add islands in the distance that serve no function besides for visuals, so you’re not looking into an empty void of ocean. (Again, not knowing much about the game is affecting the feedback able to be given)
(just read RedByDesign’s post, she also gave very good advice)
Just like @WhoseTrade said you could add more to it i would suggest to look at videos about working on Terrain you can try, that if you didn’t already. It’s just to simple there is really no feedback on this! i suggest watching this that is how i learned.
You can also use blender to make Terrain if you haven’t already.