Terrain Material Replacer (TMR) - Remove sticking out grass out of your roads and replace terrain materials


Terrain Material Replacer

Terrain Material Replace or (TMR) in short is an Roblox Studio plugin that allows you to replace certain material with other material for terrain which is in the way (under, a little above) of BaseParts that you have selected. Primarily this plugin is intended for removal of grass that is under the roads and other stuff that you have selected, and for other type of replacements that you wanted to do. This plugin can save a lot of time and trouble with removal of grass that is sticking out of roads or in other replacements.

How plugins looks like?

Basically you have two settings, first setting is for choosing material that you want to replace, the second setting is used to set material that will be used as replacement, and of course last is an button that you will click when you wish to commit the replacement.


How it works?

It replaces terrain material that you selected under and near the BaseParts that you have selected with terrain material that you have selected.

How to use it?

  1. Go to plugins tab
  2. Click on Terrain Material Replacer plugin button
  3. Select the replace material (material that you wish to be replaced)
  4. Select the with material (material that will be used as replacement)
  5. Select BasePart(s) or Model(s) (roads, buildings, or whatever you wish)
  6. Click Replace Selected button to commit the replacement

Why I should have this plugin?

  • This plugin can remove grass that is sticking out of the roads just by one click
  • This plugin can replace massive amounts of terrain material with another just by one click

Feel free to ask any question about this plugin, or provide feedback on this plugin :wink:

Please note that this plugin may not perfectly work on every single shape of Basepart(s) or Model(s) and may require some additional work from you.

You can download this plugin from here.