Terrain not loading correctly at distance

As you can see in this image, the sand at the bottom of my lake sort of changes to sandstone when far away. I’m guessing this is due to the sandstone below the sand, but I don’t know why it’s showing the sandstone when far away.

Is there anyway to fix this?

I wish I could help. As I don’t have this problem.

Could you by any chance provide a video?

-Roblox Beta Tester

Here’s a video of it happening. This also happens out of studio while in game.

I would try painting over it and see if it fixed it. But also you could select and move the terrain under the sand down, if none of these work, or if do; please let me know!

Roblox Beta Tester

I was able to use the terrain replace tool and replaced the sandstone with sand and that seemed to make it look a lot better. I’m not sure why it happened in the first place, but I’m guessing for some reason when your too far away from the sand it will despawn, showing whatever is below it. Now it despawns, but just shows the sand beneath it, so it looks a lot more normal.