Terrain Smoothing Poll

Heya folks! Just got a quick poll to see which iteration the populous likes more.
As you can see, we have a little hill here with a small rough, cliffy side.

In contrast, we have a smoothed version.
Side profile here:

Next, we have a smoothed version of the same 2 photos from before.

Which of the sets do you folks like more?

Preferred Set
  • Cliff
  • Smoothed
  • Either
  • Neither

0 voters

While you’re at it, what do you prefer in general?

  • Cliff
  • Smoothed
  • Either
  • Neither
  • I don’t know

0 voters

tbh as a player looking at it they both look pretty much the same. Both are hills with a bit of bumpiness that make it look natural. Unless it’s not like some sort of straight slope that looks like an inclined plane it should be fine. Players dont really care about the terrain lol