Terrain tools bug out when clicking on select,move,scale,rotate or transform

While in the terrain editor with draw, smooth, sculpt, paint or flatten selected if you select any of the select, move, scale, rotate or transform tools by either clicking on them or using a shortcut they will start to bug out getting turned on and off repeatedly fast.

Expected Result
The select, move, scale, rotate or transform tools should not be able to be selected with the terrain tab open or selecting them should close the terrain tab.

Actual Result
The tools start to bug out.


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Maybe instead, the individual Terrain Editor Tool should be de-selected and allow the user to use the normal tool? I feel like some people would appreciate being able to quick-switch between the modes instead of having to constantly re-open the Terrain Editor window.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Thank you for reporting this, it should be fixed in next week’s release!


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