Terrain Water Broken ('two sea surfaces top & bottom')

I suspect the new large terrain loading feature has broken server side water terrain.

The ‘middle’ of the water doesn’t seem to exist on the server. If I have a floating brick networked to the server, it either floats at the top surface layer of water or a new hidden ‘bottom’ surface layer of water. Anything in between falls to the bottom surface layer of water just above the sea bed.

This has happened in SharkBite after an update today. Our Submarine is networked to the server, it either floats at the top or falls to the bottom layer and cannot get back up again.

Anything networked to the client in water works as normal.

Examples with a part networked to the server:

We have since reverted SharkBite to fix the issue. However this prevents us from making any further update to the game in the future until this bug is fixed. This is likely to have a very negative effect on our income until the bug is corrected.

Issue confirmed. Disabled the optimization for now. Investigating and fixing ASAP.