Sea Level
It has always been challenging to create level water across an entire map, especially for maps containing islands or archipelagos. No longer! Using the new Sea Level tool, you can create a consistent water level across any area you’d like. If you’ve accidentally flooded your map or want to work on some sub-surface terrain, we’ve also provided the ability to evaporate all the water in a selected volume. You are Poseidon - command the sea!
I love this a lot, because I have been having some problems with the water in roblox studio for a long time now, because it was a bit complicated (for me) and now I’m happy that there is something like this now!
Bigger and Better Brushes
By popular demand, we’ve doubled the maximum size of brushes. All brushes now have a max dimension of 64 voxels. BE WARNED - using a 64 voxel brush with iterative actions (Grow, Erode, Smooth) will be very slow.
We’ve also made the brushes more flexible, allowing diameter to be set independently of height (on the Cube and Cylinder brush) and allowing you to choose a brush pivot point (i.e. how the brush arranges itself around the cursor). These both add to the precision of editing terrain features.
One other small but convenient item… we’ve restored the hotkey for material selection. Pressing ‘Alt’ and clicking acts like an eyedropper, selecting the material you’re hovering over in the UI.
I like this too since when I am making the terrain using brushes, sometimes the brushes are not the width/height/length I want them to be and are not the shape I want them to be so I am happy to see that there is a way to change it now.
Layer Cake
The Heightmap/Colormap Importer creates terrain in a thin sheet. This is a good representation of the information present in the heightmap but has some unfortunate side effects (players can swim through water and fall off the world). We’ve now implemented a planned upgrade, allowing imports to be layered. Layered imports can be used to add depth to oceans and then (by switching or removing the colormap) adding a consistent floor to the map. We’ve also added a color mapping for Air (255,255,255) so you can create sub-surface features like caves.
I wanted there to be layers in studio for a while now because in some of my projects I need it, and I can not think of an easier way to make layers than this! I personally think that this was a great idea and I can’t wait to see it in action.
In conclusion I think that all of these features are great and I can not wait to use all of them in some of my projects and builds!