Terrain Widget Plane Lock Issue

Using the Terrain Draw tool with Plane Lock set to Auto, clicking to add terrain, then closing the Terrain Widget will sometimes cause the Plane Lock grid to maintain even after the Terrain widget has closed, required the user to have to reopen the widget, and close it again to disable the grid. The user cannot click or select anything in the Viewport window while the grid is active but Terrain widget is closed.

Before closing the Terrain widget.

After closing the Terrain widget. Notice the grid maintained after closing. I could not select anything until reopening the Widget, and closing again, when the grid would correctly remove and the regular tool suite is active again.

Note that unfortunately the bug does not happen every time - I had about a 50% replication rate.

A private message is associated with this bug report

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue and will start investigating, we will update you when we have further information.

Thanks for flagging!

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I’ll be taking a look at this.

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This should be fixed now, if it isn’t please let me know so I can re-open this ticket!

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Thanks for looking into this; but I believe the issue still persists, albeit in another manner. If this is considered another, separate issue, let me know and I’ll file another report:

It seems like the grid is persisting during tool changes. In the video below, I enable the grid for the Smooth tool, swap to the Flatten tool (that has its own unique horizontal grid), but you can tell that the cursor follows the grid from the Smooth tool (in this case, vertically).

I imagine that, since enabling the grid on one tool is applied to all tools (except the Flatten tool), the Flatten tool was included by mistake.

The fix is to go back to another tool that isn’t Flatten, disable the grid, and return to Flatten and continue as expected.

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The plane-locking issue seems to apply to painting as well. Well, the issue I -and another person- have been having could be the same as the OP describes here:

The fix for the issue I’m having is very similar to the other issue the OP described:

Here’s the solution that worked for the other person (post I linked above):

In short, the plane-locking feature isn’t changing when switching tools, and it should be.

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A fix for this should be enabled soon.