TerrainRegion Object causing studio disconnect

Unusual issue, parenting a TerrainRegion object in studio causes a disconnect and fails to save. If done in team create it will cause a disconnect within 2-3 minutes.
To reproduce this, create a TerrainRegion object inside any studio project that has a live server connection (e.g. Team Create), parent it inside any directory (I personally do ServerStorage), then attempt to save to Roblox, saving will hang for a short while and then studio will disconnect.

A video of it occuring can be seen here.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

Hi AdamMillsy, thanks for reporting this bug. Are you still having this issue? I can’t seem to reproduce it.

I’m having a similar issue, when testing in team create I had my friend try uploading and it failed to work on his end and immediately repeated the same step of a disconnect. What’s more strange is that when doing it if a player tries to post it and then you have a friend join just after, when adding the terrain region object into the game it doesn’t show for the other individual.

Hi Kooraseru, Thanks for reporting this issue! Would you be able to provide more specific repro steps? I will try to see if I can reproduce this issue. Can you specify how you create the terrain region object? Does the terrain object need to be a certain size before you are encountering a disconnect?

Sure, basically I had a terrain region size of approximately 8000 by 120 by 12000 (X,Y,Z). There is a plugin which actually posts it’s source code in how to do this called ‘Terrain Saver’ which basically just copies the info of the entire game terrain the same way Roblox does by simply running through workspace CopyRegion. There isn’t really a ‘certain size’ but rather an actual data size instead that this appears to reach, as I have a separate map of similar scale but with lower data packaging (due to less terrain types within said area).

Here’s the plugin: https://create.roblox.com/store/asset/148042198

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Thanks for the info Kooraseru! We’re looking into this!