TerrainToParts - Convert Smooth Terrain to Triangle Terrain

TerrainToParts New Project (46)

Converting Smooth Terrain to Triangle / Part Terrain

TerrainToParts is the first plugin to be able to convert smooth terrain to triangle terrain. It’s an extremely useful thing if you want to build a triangle terrain map using Roblox’s terrain tools, or just want to use it in general.

This could also be useful for players wanting to use viewport minimaps with maps which use terrain.


0.5 Triangle Size:
Here’s an example using 0.5 Triangle Size. It’s a low poly style, good for games that aren’t too realistic.

0.1 Triangle Size:
Here’s what 0.1 Triangle Size looks like, anything lower would lag, but this is still extremely accurate to the original terrain.

How to Use

It’s pretty straight up, you install the plugin and click it in the plugins tab. You will see this GUI pop up on your screen.

You can change the Triangle Size (detail of terrain) according to your liking. Minimum is 0.1 to prevent game crashes. The lower the number the more detailed your terrain will be. (I recommend 0.3 - 0.5 for a low poly terrain style.)

You can also tick / untick the “Ignore Water” property, this is important because if you allow water, the terrain under it will NOT be generated. So It’s recommended you add the water in with parts yourself, but the script supports water if you don’t want players to go under the water.

Clicking “Select Area” will create a part in the workspace, which you can resize to fit your terrain, or just the area you want to convert.

Once you’ve resized the part, click “Generate Terrain” and your terrain will generate for you! The script does not remove the original terrain so you may see some Z-fighting, but you can easily remove the terrain with Roblox’s terrain tools. (I may add support for removing the original terrain in the future)

This script supports a few triangle terrain editors like Terrain Mesher and you can easily modify it to work with your favorite plugins. Just move the Model inside the “TriangleTerrain” folder to your plugin’s directory.

TerrainToParts Plugin


You stole my idea! >:(

Anyways, joking. It looks really good! But a bit cursed. But that’s fine.

And the fact that it’s free is just splendid. Great job!


Only looks cursed because roblox’s terrain is way smoother and downscaling all the triangles would make the materials a bit scuffed

It doesn’t currently render any terrain which is under terrain, like caves. I’m going to add support for that in the next update which should fix the scuffed problem.

I see, so you are using raycasts right?

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At the moment, yes. (If you know any better ways it’d be appreciated a lot)

A better way… hmm.

Maybe try this?

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I also used this in the Roblox starter place and it took <5 seconds to generate this.

Low poly version of the pirate template map: