PS. This bulletin is currently a Placeholder for the Game's Description
The game this bulletin is for, is currently yet to be released.
Game Link: [⚒️ Pre-Order Gamepasses! ⚒️] 🌱 Terra-Plants! 🌱 - Roblox
2 Zones Available on Release
Welcome to Grasslands, the starter zone of TerraPlants where your tutorial will begin!
This zone comes with two layers: Surface andSky Islands.
The eggs of this zone are Classic Egg, Marble Egg, Lochan Egg and Hot-Air Egg!
Both layers also have their own Crimson Stellars: King Slime and Gryphon respectively.
The GrassLands introduce the user to Planting, Ranking Up, Quests and Pets as new features introduced at the start of the game. -
Deep Forest
Second zone of the game is the Deep Forest, unlocked after finishing all tutorials within Grasslands and ranking up enough to unlock the Sky Islands.
This zone comes with two layers: Surface andForbidden Mines, with a third layer planned as an update to the game.
The eggs of this zone are Spore Egg, Lush Egg, Pine Egg, Miner’s Egg and Stone Egg.
Both layers also have their own Crimson Stellars: The Tribal and Spider Mother respectively.
The Deep Forest introduces the user to Resources, Mining and Vine Plants as new features.
Many Sprouts, Tools and NPCs!
Within Grasslands and Sky Islands you can find
7 Normal Sprouts
+ 2 Upgrades each
- 10 Watering Can Upgrades
- 2 NPCs - The Guide and The Farmer
Within Deep Forest and Forbidden Mines you can find
2 Normal Sprouts and 5 Vine Plant Sprouts
+ 2 Upgrades each
- 5 Watering Can Upgrades
5 New Pickaxes +
2 Upgrades each
- 2 NPCs - The Keyper and The Forgemaster
The release of the game offers the user 7 Features
Those features will remain relevant for the rest of the gameplay and updates of TerraPlants!
Sprout Planting
Planting is the core mechanic of TerraPlants, as it allows users to Plant, Grow and Harvest their sprouts and is the main source of in-game Income and Pets.
Growing out Sprouts should on average take a few minutes, during which you are given tasks by the game such as to Water your Sprout, Fertilize it or Fight Pests that have managed to find their way to it!
Grown out Sprouts allow users to climb up and down them to Layers of Zones located above or below, accordingly to the Zone’s layers, ex. The Grasslands have a Layer Sky Islands located above them, to reach the Layer you have to grow out your sprout and climb up it!
Harvesting Sprouts yields Currencies and Eggs - Currencies are used for purchasing items, meanwhile Eggs are used for hatching Pets! -
Pets and Eggs
Pets and Eggs are another core mechanic of TerraPlants, obtained through Harvesting Sprouts, Pets grant users boosts to their stats, making Planting Sprouts easier, quicker and more efficient!
Some Common Pets also have an Evolution, which you can unlock by maxing out said pet!
Evolutions grant the pets boosted statistics, higher level caps and special abilities! -
Ranking Up and Quests
Ranking Up is a mechanic that builds up feeling of Progression for users, allowing them to rank up for unlocking specific Milestones and receiving Rank-Up Quests to unlock New Features, Zones and boost their Statistics!
Quests in TerraPlants come in two forms: Recursive and Expansive.
Expansive Quests are ones given to users as Rank-Up Quests or ones that cannot be done more than once, they are what points users in the right direction for Progression.
Recursive Quests are ones that can be done more than once, yield similar rewards each time but increase in difficulty, an example of these would be Daily Quests that you receive when logging in, they can repeat themselves and yield same rewards. -
Resources are a feature initially unlocked in the Deep Forest, it introduces the user to collecting items from Underground Layers by Mining and from Plants by Harvesting.
Resources will generally not be used until later zones, where Crafting is introduced, however, they are handed to the User early as to prepare them and make sure that they can start experiments with Crafting the second they hit that margin. -
Mining is a feature found in Underground Layers of Zones, allowing the user to mine for resources such as Ores, while also rewarding them with Income by letting them sell found Materials or finding hidden Treasure! -
Vine Plants
Vine Plants are pretty self explanatory if you know how Sprouts work in the game in general.
To put it simply, they work the same exact way as traditional Sprouts but allow the users to climb down them, rather than climb up - Unlocking Underground Layers!
The Early-Build Release brings many useful Gamepasses and Limited Robux Items!
The Newly Available Gamepasses are as follows…
- Bigger Storage! (+100) - Roblox
- Bigger Storage! (+200) - Roblox
- Strength in Numbers! (+3) - Roblox
- Faster Hatches! - Roblox
- Good Karma! - Roblox
- Very Important Planter! - Roblox
As for Limited Robux Items you can expect…
Early Build Exclusive Egg
Price: 200 R$ per Piece or 800R$ for a Five Piece.
This robux egg will become unobtainable once Early Build is over, all pets for this egg are listed inside of the game itself and can be viewed thoroughly in full 3D before purchasing the egg. -
Founder’s Packs
Prices: 400R$ , 800R$ , 2000R$
These packs will become unobtainable once Early Build is over and will NEVER EVER return again.
400 R$ Pack contains 2x Early Build Egg, Materials Bundle, Early Supporter Title
800 R$ Pack contains 3x Early Build Egg, 1x Radiant Grasslands Egg, Materials Bundle, Early Supporter Title, Founder’s Gambit Tool Skin Set
2000 R$ Pack contains 8x Early Build Egg, 2x Radiant Grasslands Egg, 1x Radiant Forest Egg, Material Vault Bundle, Early Supporter Title, Founder’s Gambit Tool Skin Set, Umbral Gryphon Pet
Obtaining extra Tool Skin Sets and Supporter Titles will be converted into Early Build Eggs accordingly to in-game descriptions.