Test 2 volumetric clouds


You need to make a tutorial on how do you all this stuff! :smiley:


Isnt roblox already adding that?


no, they haven’t added it yet :smiley:

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is this a secret roblox feature? :face_with_monocle:

Are You using Beams? Cause it almost looks exactly like beams…

Can you make this a model and send it to me? I reallllllly want it Haha.

The clouds look really nice and neat but they appear to be something that Roblox puts in starter games for new people on Roblox Studio. Also I think it would be better if the clouds could be real instead of a skybox.

how was this created? im really impressed bro please show us

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I am so jealous!!! Keep up the work!!!

I love the gray in their instead of like a nice sunny day. It make me feel like it’s real.

I really enjoy this and hope to see it in a future game! ( of yours! )


I made my own version of this. :wink: