Fix the issue of searching up for example Table. And you get 2000 results for everything that does not have any word of table in it. and why is ketchup and mustard a banned word??
Not trying to hate as I like this change but its time to fix whats been broke going on 2 years now as I cannot find any AUDIO or MODEL when searching that topic. I dont need a result of a Epic Airhorn sound when searching up a door creaking sound for example
May we get a text prompt, such as the one on toolbox search bar and creator marketplace search bar, in the Roblox search bar? I feel like that would be useful in discovery, especially if more users are aware of the system.
There should also be a text prompt on the search bar (for games) [just like @FuriousDestoyerDOA mentioned] because I’m assuming most players on Roblox aren’t aware of this feature.
In addition, this feature should also be applied to communities (aka groups), groups form a foundation of socialization on Roblox & therefore integrating this feature to communities would render it useful.
This is very useful, no doubt about it, but I think it would also be cool if the “recently created” tab could be brought back, it’d make it easier to sort models and other assets in the toolbox and creator store.
Is anyone else having this weird issue during search when typing really fast which deletes part of what you wrote in the toolbox asset searchbar after a short delay almost every single time?
I really find this useful, because almost every time I search for something in the Toolbox (usually sounds) I find very little of what I actually searched for.
Well, that’ll compensate the “related-indexing” that was introduced a while ago and made searching way less convenient (searching for a specific brand or the name of a show indexed related stuff and translated, and sometimes put these before the actual term). I am glad to see it fixed. However, I went to the browser store to try it out (I do not want the algorithm to relate what I am searching with my account for obvious privacy reasons) and the filter has censored my request, I then tried searching the same term without the quotation marks and it worked.
Please consider fixing this but thank you for that change.
As a request for the future, would it be possible to consider a prefixing system, such as name:"foobar" or description:"foobar", in searches? Or exposing these as additional filtering options e.g. when searching through audio/music. Being able to search specific parts of the metadata associated with an asset would make it a lot easier to drill down and find exactly what I’m looking for, rather than having to spend 5-10 minutes wading through many similar assets to try and find what I want.
I had no idea Roblox was struggling to implement search operators. I had to do some digging to understand why I couldn’t wrap my head around this being an announcement: This type of feature has existed in search engines like AltaVista since 1998.
There are currently some amazing technologies on display on this platform which truly do make the most of today’s hardware and we all benefit from the addition of new features, but publicly testing a convention that’s at least 27 years old is something that blindsided me for a company that expects its user base to rely on its cloud services.