Exact match searches in Creator Store

[Update] March 12, 2025

Hi Creators,

We’re excited to share that we’re testing a new feature over the next few weeks in the Creator Store that lets you search for exact search terms, making it easier to find items by their specific titles.

During this experiment, some of you will see updated helper text in the Creator Store search bar, both in Studio and in Creator Hub. If you see the following helper text, it means you can try the feature now!



Creator Hub:


With this feature, you can now enclose your search query (or just parts of it) within quotes to only show results including the exact quoted terms. A few notes:

  • This will be available for all asset types on the Creator Store.
  • Terms within quotes will be matched against item titles. For Audio, artist name and album name will also be included in exact matching.
  • You can include multiple quoted terms, and include a mix of quoted and non-quoted terms (see examples).
  • The query case even within quotes does not affect the results.


We’re excited to see if this feature helps you more easily find items on the Creator Store, and we’d love to hear your feedback on this feature! Pending the results of the test, we aim to roll out to all Creator Store users by the end of March and we will provide updates for you on this post.


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I used to believe that the API would process my search requests as exact results already if I put in "test".

But I guess it never did?

But now that this is being added, that’s very cool! :thinking:


But what will it search for? Title, Description, Contents of the File?


If it appears like this


Does this mean, it’s not enabled?


Are descriptions included? Or is it only the title?


Thank you for this, finally. I have been waiting so long.


When will we be able to sell our played music?


Thanks for your comment.

Yes, quotes were not applied before. If you don’t see the helper text as mentioned, you are probably on the control treatment for the test.

For audio, title, artist name, and album fields are matched while the rest of the asset types only match the title.


For audio, title, artist name, and album fields are matched while the rest of the asset types only match the title.


Now this will make me easy to find music , because when I write the music that Roblox don’t know they don’t show to me


When will it be possible to play a song in all games?


If one enables the FrontendFlagSearchWithQuotes for it manually, would it work, or does it have to be isMarketplaceExactSearchEnabled on the API? :thinking:

Does it matter for the quotes to actually apply?


Speaking of searches, can this be fixed. I can’t even look for the word ‘magnet’, even though it works fine for models

And upon changing it to magnetic, the results are rather disappointing as I doubt anyone’s actively looking for a ‘creator’ label with magnetic in it.

Only upon adding a length, sound effect and unverified filter do I get some seemingly decent matches, but as far as I know unverified users don’t even show up - unless there’s a strange discrepancy between browser and studio.

Upon listening to these sounds they’re again substandard to say the least ;/

Ha, funnily enough these double quotation marks do allow for the crude word ‘magnet’, yet they strangely enough don’t give me any ‘magnet’ titles…


Woah, this is actually a decent update!
Can’t wait for it to come out of testing phase…

I’ve seen things like the roblox game search having this feature, and the fact that it will be available on the toolbox, is amazing.


Can I use two, or all three, at once? i.e. if I want to find the track Soulful from the APM album Behind the Scene, can I put in a search for "Soulful" "Behind the Scene"?


It’ll be so much easier to actually find assets now, appreciate this a bunch!

I’m assuming that if you DON’T have the above text in the searchbar then the feature isn’t available for you yet. :smiling_face_with_tear: Anyhow, can’t wait for the full release in March!


Thanks for the feedback. That is a good use case but it is not possible at the moment.


Thanks for the feedback. I will let the appropriate team know. But as far as this test goes, it doesn’t seem you are a part of the experiment arm since the helper text is not what is mentioned in the post.


Would be great if you could add this as an optional/toggleable feature to the catalog as well, it’s often almost impossible to find what I’m looking for on there if it’s something very specific.


YES THIS UPDATE FINALLY ARRIVED! Now searching for apm music songs is so much easier!


it would be nice to use this with games too.

so in the search bar use quotes to find games with the exact name, this would also help small devs get some visits.

but since this is roblox were talking about… a good idea like this would never see the light of day…

edit: Lol i didint even know this was a thing XD