[Test] Exact match searches in Creator Store

Sound search is horrible:

  1. Look for something
  2. It’ll either:
  • Tag the name as inappropriate and you’ll have to find another search term
  • Show sounds that are private (and you’ll only notice it when you playtest, as it works in studio for some reason)
  • Show irevelant sounds

As a request for the future, would it be possible to consider a prefixing system, such as name:"foobar" or description:"foobar", in searches? Or exposing these as additional filtering options e.g. when searching through audio/music. Being able to search specific parts of the metadata associated with an asset would make it a lot easier to drill down and find exactly what I’m looking for, rather than having to spend 5-10 minutes wading through many similar assets to try and find what I want.


I had no idea Roblox was struggling to implement search operators. I had to do some digging to understand why I couldn’t wrap my head around this being an announcement:
This type of feature has existed in search engines like AltaVista since 1998.

There are currently some amazing technologies on display on this platform which truly do make the most of today’s hardware and we all benefit from the addition of new features, but publicly testing a convention that’s at least 27 years old is something that blindsided me for a company that expects its user base to rely on its cloud services.


Would you mind sharing the query with that behaviour so we can investigate?

Thanks for the feedback. All good suggestions. We will look into it.

Thanks for reporting the empty quotes issue. The fix is in the works.

when doing these exact quote searches

"1" "2" does the SPACE between "1" and "2" influence the results? :thinking:

It should not. If you observe any example to the contrary, please let me know. Thanks!

The entire text doesn’t fit into the search bar by default Toolbox size, I think.

It’s interesting how it continues the autocomplete, despite there being two quotes inbetween it.

counts for

how are they innapropriate???


phoenix and wings is also tagged for no reason

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Can we use this in the creation tab? more often I find myself looking for assets owned by my group rather than the Store

This is cool, but you gotta sports car. (that’s a song reference). This is real cool, and the sports car part i thought was funny too.

You can change the size of the window of your toolbox.

Can confirm molotov is filtered (for sounds) and cocktail molotov is filtered (for models). One of the reasons I upload private sounds.

Yes, you can, but its bad design to have it not fit the default window size.


I was surprised to see the “Search (use “quotes” for exact match)” signaling that I’m able to try the feature early, but I then logged into my alt that I do not really use at all to see if it was there and saw it as well. This feature wasn’t already rolled out for all users in just two days was it?

Perfect… Now we have Yet Another Fine Addition to this Search Bar’s Collection.

Nice update to the search engine, Roblox!

For those interested in ONLY music and sound effects searching, we created an audio search engine called the Audio Discovery Tool. We are still actively building it, and we’d love your feedback.

Search music by genre and emotion

Filter by artist, album, title, duration

Search Freesound

If you can’t find what you want on Roblox, you can run the same search on the Freesound database.

Make Playlists and Radio Stations

Create playlists (for sound effects or music), and share them publicly or publish them to your game as radio stations, using our free music player plugin.

More info on our Dev Forum Post

Any reason that free models can’t be organised for global recency?

When I joined Rōblox in 2008L, we had a completely new set of free models to view every time we checked. When I searched for “elevators”, I could easily know what the latest tech was. Recency sort was all we had.

As recently as the early 2020s, Rōblox gave us multiple ways to sort for models. They supported ordering by recency, popular, or whatever Rōblox felt was good at the time. We had the choice.

I’m addressing this complaint to the people who are best equipped to provide rationale. Id est: Rōblox employees.