Hello! I made a little obby game in only 4 hours and I need help testing it and more visits to the game!! If anyone would like to join and give feedback on this game for toddlers I would very much appreciate it ! THANKSSSS
It’s a clever system! great way to spice up an obby
Nice simple game!
On the last stage if you time it right you can actually get inside the balls:
Now, there are some stages where you can kinda just equip one color and do the stage and not have to switch colors:

You might want to fix that…
Also you don’t need the yellow trusspart on this stage:
You might want to make the yellow trusspart required.
Also with this stage:

On the stages where these parts move, your avatar doesn’t move with it, so they actually just become normal parts where you jump on, I assume you wanted it to be harder because the parts rotate, and you have to jump on another part that rotates, but uhh, it is the same as just two normal parts.
Overall very nice, and fun game!
Hopefully you’ll extend this idea in the future!
I like it! The sound effects are quite satisfying and it isn’t that hard to work out what the aim of the game is. I would definitely play it if I needed to pass some time, or just to relax.
My only problem is that it’s a bit tricky to change colour mid-air on a mobile device, for example on level 4. Maybe adding a short timer before the colour switches would help.
Great game!
Wow I like that Idea of the colors switching after a timer!! I was testing on mobile and did notice that it became harder. I might add a countdown with sound effects, but then you would be able to spam all the colors and get past way too easy. Let me know if you have any suggestions, I was thinking of maybe a one second coyote time.
It’s good, I like that it’s unique
Yeah, I’m tired of obby games that are made by massive dev teams that spam game passes in your face.
agreed, I dont understand how they have players lol
is roblox down for yall or is it just me
nvm its back up lol
yeah I cant access the website