Test Sunset Handbook

Offical Sunset Handbook

Welcome to Sunset (pronounced Sun-set) — one of Roblox’s first school roleplay groups! Our mission is to ensure the safety and satisfaction of our community, while allowing for an enjoyable and immersive experience. Since 2024, we have been working towards expanding our community and reinforcing our vision. Join in on the experience and be apart of our growing community!

For more information you can look below or contact a staff/employ at our group.

Important Links

  • Group Link
  • [Work at a School Game Link](Coming soon!)
  • [Apply for a Job ](Coming Soon!)
  • [Training Center ](Coming Soon!)

Informative Sections
The sections below are categorized into important subsections that we believe are the most commonly requested pieces of information.

1. Hiring

1. Hiring
Introduction: Sunset is always looking for new additions to our team. We strive off of our player base, and are always interested in bringing in dedicated people to serve within our game! If this sounds like you, this is the right place for you!

Becoming a Student
In order to become a Student at Sunset, you must apply using the Application Center The interviewer will ask you a few questions regarding your knowledge with Sunset and whether you are capable of moving one step forward on the rank list. If you pass the interview with 7 or more answers correct, you will be automatically ranked to Student. (If you have not been ranked please contact a Communication Specialist at our group.)

Becoming a Vice Secretary
Joining our staff team as an vice secretary is one step above working as a Professor or Alternative Teacher. If our Promotion Team determines that you are a good addition to the upper staff team, then you may be eligible for the position of Vice Secretary. In order to get recognized for this position, you must work hard and show that you are ready for the job. By demonstrating leadership skills and contributing to a friendly environment at our game, you have the opportunity to be noticed by our Promotion Team. Once recognized, you will be contacted by one of our promotion team employs with follow-up steps on how to proceed.

2. Promotions

2. Promotions
Introduction: Moving up the ranks is one of the largest encouragement for working at Sunset. The rewarding sense of accomplishment that our players receive, and the constant change in responsibilities to keep things fun, is what drives our community.

Being Promoted
Being promoted is really simple at Sunset you will start off as a Student with a quiz that you will need to answer in order to work at Sunset. Becoming at Student is the first step of working at Sunset as a Teacher and Staff. Before coming a Staff at Sunset you will need to pass all the Small-Ranks (SR) once you reach “Professor” thats when you will need to be active, a hard worker, and doing your responsibilities. After a while a someone from the Promotion Team will notice you and they will promote you to the first step of being a staff admin. You will receive the rank Secretary where you will need to attend training, and that will be the first step of you becoming a admin at Sunset In that training you will be asked questions about what you know about Sunset so far and after you have awnsered those questions you will be a Vice Secretary for a week. After the week has come to a end a Communication Specialist will contact you and they will ask you questions, you also must be following our requirements before you become a admin. Once the Communication Specialist knows that your following the requirements then you will be asked questions. After you answer the questions after a day a Vice President will look at your reviews and if they think that your the match for the rank then you will be ranked as a Secretary. With the Secretary rank you will receive admin which you will need to attend training for on how to use the admin with a Vice President or other Middle-Ranks.

Requirements to become a Secretary:
- Don’t Have Safe Chat (13+)
- Must be in our communition server
- Have almost daily activity/consistent activity

For more information please contact a Communication Specialist.

3. Training Time

3. Training Time
All session times are listed under Eastern Standard Time (EST). If you wish to view this in your timezone, please view timezone comparisons here (third party site). Trainings are hosted at our Training Center during these times listed below:

These are Training Time for only the rank “Student” For different trainings such as training new Middle-Ranks, you must fix the date and the time with the Middle-Rank you will be training. (You will get more information by a MR or HR.)

Timing For “Students”

- 3:00 PM EST
- 5:00 PM EST
- 7:00 PM EST
- 9:00 PM EST
- 10:00 PM EST
- 11:00 PM EST
- 1:00 PM EST (1:00 PM EST are only on Weekends!)
- 2:00 AM CET
- 5:00 AM CET
- 10:00 AM CET
CET timezones training can be canceled please always check our communication server or group wall if the training will happen or not.

4. Rules & Violations

4. Rules & Violations
Introduction: While we do not want to restrict our player base from certain freedoms, there are moments where we need to step in to ensure the safety of our players and maintain the positive environment we strive for within our games. By making these rules publicly defined in one place, the Rules & Violations creates transparency between our players and staff. These rules are quite easy to abide by, so please familiarize yourself with them.

Moderation Actions
Players who do not abide by the rules listed below, may be subject to consequence. Here at Sunset, we want to familiarize our community with our rules, therefore, we do give one warning to all players before proceeding with any punishments. If a player continues with any unruly behavior, it is assumed that their intentions are on purpose and our staff will not bother with further warnings.

Depending on the severity of the action, you may get kicked or banned from the server. Specific cases may be subject to a permanent ban across all of our games. If you believe you were falsely punished, please let us know and we may correct it for you.

Sunset Rules and Violations

  • Roblox Community Rules
    Sunset enforces all violations of the Roblox Community Rules . If you are caught violating any of the Roblox Community Rules, you are subject to consequence at Sunset affiliated games, as well as action against your Roblox account.
  • Exploiting
    Exploiting is strictly prohibited at Sunset. Any use of a third-party script executor in order to manipulate aspects of the game, with malice intent, is subject to a permanent ban from all games.
  • Trolling
    The act of bothering somebody or sending offensive messages, in order to get attention, ruin the experience of others, or cause trouble and upset someone—is not allowed. Our mission is to create a safe and respectful environment for our players. Intentionally trying to ruin the experience of others goes against this, and is not behavior that we welcome at our game.
5. Rank Descriptions

5. Rank Descriptions: The following ranks below show you how to rank up and what these ranks do at Sunset.

The citizen is the most important rank in Sunset. Without the large bulk of our community that gives everybody else a reason to play our games, our group would not be where it is today without citizens.

Students need to pass a quiz to successfully, start the first step to become a teacher at Sunset and will stay this rank until they successfully complete a training session and are ranked up to Substitute Teacher.

Substitute Teacher
A substiute teacher is a newly hired employ who has to fill in for those teachers that are not online substiute teachers can also help out other students in many ways.

Teacher Assistant
As a teacher assistant you have learned the basics on how to become a teacher and maybe with a little more experience you can be eligible to become a Teacher.

A Teacher has gotten more experience and soon can become a staff admin.

Alternative Teacher
Alternative teacher are a professional teacher and they are almost a few ranks away from becoming at admin.

A professor is one rank away from becoming a admin, there professional teachers and they have been teaching for a while.

Vice Secretary
Vice secretary is a gateway of becoming a admin a vice secretary need to attend a training of their choice to become a secretary and get admin commands.

A secretary is rank that recently just got admin commands and there still learning on how to assist others.

Head Secretary
A head secretary has learnt basics about the admin and on how to assist others there on a good start.

Vice Principal
A vice principal is a professional and they have learnt many things but with more experience they can become better at assisting

A principal is a professional and they know alot about the school and they have got alot of experience with assisting.

Vice Superintendent
Vice superintendent are still learning on how to become a leader at the school and how to assist other middle-ranks.

Superintendent have learnt alot about the school and they are still learning they are really good at assisting other middle-ranks.

Head Superintendent
Head superintendent is the leader and the highest rank in the middle-ranks there the leaders of middle-ranks, they assist there middle-ranks on how to become a better staff.

Communication Specialist
Communication specialist is a big rank they communicate with others and help out with appeals, and help middle-ranks.

Promotion Team
The promotion team plays a big role in the school they promote all the hard working people at the school.

These are the developers of the school and helped build the game.

Vice President
One of the highest ranks at the school they manage everything at the school.

The president is the one whos informed about everything thats been happening at the school.

6. Appeals Introduction

6. Appeals Introduction
While we want to enforce our core values and ensure those who have bad intentions stay out of our community, Bambou is a strong believer of second chances. If you believe you qualify to appeal one of your punishments, please fill out the respective appeal form and submit it to the correct personnel listed under each appeal. Please note that you cannot appeal a ban if you received a ban less than a week ago. Furthermore, if you’ve appealed previously and it was not accepted, then you may not appeal again for at least a week since your last appeal.

Ban Appeal
If you are banned from our games permanently, please fill out this appeal and submit it to a member of our Communication Specialist via Roblox private messages or using our communication platform.

What is your Roblox username? If you are banned from the communications server, please provide your tag.

Why were you banned from our server(s)? Do you recall the date of this ban, if so, when?

What prompted you to appeal your ban?

What have you learned since your ban? Do you believe you have changed?

Blacklist Appeal
If you are blacklisted from our staff team, please fill out this appeal and submit it to a member of our Communication Specialist via Roblox private messages or using our communication platform.

What is your Roblox username?

Why were you blacklisted from our staff team? Do you recall the date of this ban, if so, when?

What prompted you to appeal your blacklist?

What have you learned since your blacklist? Do you believe you have changed?

Affiliate Blacklist Appeal
Due to the nature of affiliate blacklists, and how uncommon they are, Sunset does not have an appeal to fill out for this. If your group is interested in appealing an affiliate blacklist, please have the staff member in charge of affiliates contact the Sunset Communication Specialist for further discussion on the appeal.

7. Development Credits

7. Development Credits
Sunset is very thankful for all their current & former Developers! We thank all of our Developers for the hard work and dedication put into our current version.


8. Road Map

8. Road Map:

  • New Sunset Handbook
  • New logos & Icons
  • Hire new developers & staff
  • Add lots of future updates
  • Listen to our community

Everything here will be updated @ Sunset in the future.

For more information about Sunset please refer to this document.

You have reached the end of the Official Sunset Handbook. If any information that you are looking for is not listed within this document, please let one of our staff members know and they will assist you to the best of their ability.

We look forward to seeing you within our community,
Sunset Leadership Team

Owned by @Eursely & @Paigezye