Testers/Feedback needed for my Plates of Fate game that's almost complete

So I’ve been working on a randomized plate events type game for a few months. The game is mostly inspired from Plates of Fate and Horrific Housing. The game is called RANDOMIZED and it revolves around trying to survive random events on a large plate with other players.

The game is almost ready for official release! All that’s left now is bug fixing and adding more events.

The thing is, I need some feedback to know what people think of the game. So it would be much appreciated if people checked out the game and commented any bugs, suggestions, or anything they’d like me to know in the replies!


If you’re interested in becoming a tester, please join the Discord server and Roblox group attached below. Testers will make suggestions, report bugs, and give feedback on game updates. They will be compensated by getting all current and future gamepasses for free and an in-game chat tag.