Testing My New Game [Capture THe Flag Red VS Blue]

Anyone available right now to Test My game? i will Be waiting For In My game


I like the idea, but in my opinion you should add first person view, since people use that the most for guns. For the grenade launcher; you should make the grenade last longer, because if you shoot it in the air it won’t hit the land. The sniper is pretty useless. To be honest this type of games die easy because they get boring after some time, so if you still want to work on this game maybe add more minigames. I will rate this 5/10. Good luck buddy!

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Thanks But This Is The PArt Of Red Vs Blue Mini Games So if people Bored Of This They can Switch To other Mini Game

I agree as well, you should add like a mode system to it to make it more interesting. Like low gravity mode, speed mode, etc.


Yea I am Planning For That…And This is only the beginning May Be I will add Premium Benefits