Hi, I’ve been working on this creation for mods to check if a player has a discord acc, and I don’t know what to do anymore, perhaps somebody can help??
You could improve the UI a bit, but other than that it’s pretty cool!
Which part would be best to update?
I would work on the design and layout of the UI also don’t start the text label at the side of the UI.
Perhaps make a limit on the numbers allowed in the tag? Discord has 4 numbers in the tag whereas in this one you can have however much you want. Not really needed, thought I’d just say.
I will definitely try this out!
Also, you should change it so when you press the button which says you don’t have a discord account, it doesn’t show anything instead of showing N/A that looks bad and gets in the way.
The user would have to type each one of the four numbers in their discriminator into each text box, not really a good user experience unless when the user inputs the number and then you automatically capture focus on the next text box. If you want you can do the name as one text box, # in the middle then another single text box for the discriminator.
Also how do you plan on verifying these discord accounts lol
My advice is to work on the UI more. It’s bright, looks weird, and more. Here’s a quick concept I came up with of what you could make your UI look like:
Here’s some piece of code I had wrote for a friend few months back, You’ll have to alter it a bit but the main chunk of making sure they don’t have over 32 char or under 1 char is pretty much all there.
local gettext = script.Parent.DiscordBox:InvokeClient(player)
if gettext:find("#") then
local Args = string.split(gettext, "#")
if tonumber(Args[2]) == nil then
local gettext = script.Parent.DiscordBox:InvokeClient(player, "fix")
TextBox.PlaceholderText = "Only Numbers after #"
if string.len(Args[2]) == 4 and string.len(Args[1]) >= 2 and string.len(Args[1]) <= 32 then
Verify.Visible = false
WelcomeScreen.Visible = true
Discord = gettext
local gettext = script.Parent.DiscordBox:InvokeClient(player, "fix")
TextBox.PlaceholderText = "Make sure to put the 4 numbers after the #!"
local gettext = script.Parent.DiscordBox:InvokeClient(player, "fix")
TextBox.PlaceholderText = "# Required"
It’s a cool creation, I’d suggest improving UI. I’d recommend using something similar to @ghidras 's concept.
This looks good, but the logo on the bar makes it appear as though it’s an official pop-up, and if ROBLOX doesn’t know better, they could potentially take the game down or issue a warning/ban.
Or maybe I’m just being paranoid, lol.
To prevent getting hit by a warning/ban use the Policy Service to determine if they are of age to be allowed on discord before even requesting their discord tag.
What’s the point of checking whenever a user has a Discord account or not?
Considering there’s no verification it is easy to take someone else’s identity
you should make it not work if that discord acc is already being used or is invalid
I mean, I guess I can try but it would have to be logged into discord at first.
or they have to put a code in there about to verify there discord