Testing the Server Scripts

I tried to look this up but the results weren’t what I was looking for.

I would like to test my server script by using the command line to fire remote events and remote functions. Basically, I want to “simulate” the client using the command line. So one question I have is which device does the command line run my code on?

I think it would be neat if there was one command line that ran on the client(under Client output) and anther one that ran on the server(currently under Server output). However, I don’t understand how command line works right now.

You can open a test server and use the command bar on the client window to fire your remote events as it runs on the client. Similarly, the command line on the server window will run on the server.

Command line will run code on whatever client/server you are on. A blue border represents a client, a green border represents the server.

Whatever you paste into the command bar and run will execute depending on which testing mode you are currently on, if you click on the testing tab at the top you will be presented with this button:

By default you will be on client, so any commands you run through the command bar will be executed localy through your player client just like in a real game. But if you press the button you will be switched to server mode:

In server mode all commands run will be executed as if you are the server

Oh sorry I didn’t reply to the first two posts. But yeah I got that much. The problem now is that I’m waiting to have a developer product or gamepass to actually test the code. Since I don’t have permissions to make gamepasses/developer products I gotta ask the project manager.