TestService macros cause crash when touched in any way except calling with parenthesis

When using TestService macros, they cannot be manipulated (stored in variables, cast to string or number, etc.) or called without parenthesis, or else they crash studio. When called with parenthesis, they function normally.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Set ExecuteWithStudioRun to true
  2. Insert a Script with the following code into it in: print(RBX_CHECK)
  3. Press ‘Run’
  4. Watch as Studio shows a “We encountered an error and have to quit” dialog

The same thing happens if you attempt to store a macro in a variable (test = RBX_CHECK) and when calling them with no parenthesis (RBX_CHECK"test"), both of which should be valid in Lua.


We may have already fixed this - I am not able to reproduce. Could you test it again and see if the issue is still there?