Text animation problem

The problem is that when the animation finishes, the text stay “animated”…


My script:

local NewText

function setNewText(Text, Inst)
	NewText = Text
	for i=1,#Text do
		Inst.Text = string.sub(Text, 1, i)


	if game.Lighting.ClockTime >= 7 and game.Lighting.ClockTime < 9 then
		game.StarterGui["CurrentTimeUI"].Local.Frame.TextLabel.Text = "Testing"
		for i, p in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
			setNewText("Testing", p.PlayerGui["CurrentTimeUI"].Local.Frame.TextLabel)


If you are going for a typewriter effect, I would recommend looking at this: UI Animations | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub. It uses graphemes to animation text per character.

Same is happening


AnimateUI.typeWrite(p.PlayerGui["CurrentTimeUI"].Local.Frame.TextLabel, "Testing", 0.05)

You are hooking to “ClockTime”. This will change continuously between 7 and 9 so the connected function will fire indiscriminately at processor/ping speed. Either find a better way to connect the Lighting changes or put some sort of debounce to prevent continuous re-entry into the connected function until it is finished. Or flag entry once and reset it after the time goes beyond the range you require the animation to run only once over.

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