Text doesn't show correctly

I didn’t use studio for a week then I have come back and see the studio and testing something in studio
but I didn’t see the text correctly.

but when I try to see this in roblox they are showing just like normal thing, I publish the place again It’s still showing text not just like in the studio?

Do you have any ideas to fix this?

NOTE: I was pretty sure I put the text correctly and there’s no script to change the text to anything.

What are your UDim2 | Roblox Creator Documentation settings for the GUI?
If you look at the 2 different screen sizes in the images you provided you’ll see that the size of the GUI is different because you’ve probably are relying on the scalar Size of the GUI.
When you test in Studio don’t use the smaller screen area and see if that helps you out.

I mean all of the text I see in studio are not showing if you look at the leaderboard and proximity prompt you gonna see the text is disappearing

I run Roblox studio with Adiministrator then I see It’s working.

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