Text fade in for horror game

how would i do something like this you see that text comes in the screen and the other textlabels move a bit up


TweenService is one of many options for doing this.

You would have all of the text above in a frame and use TweenService to move that frame up before making the Press any button to continue appear.

I think this is the right page to learn more about that:


Well idk for sure but I’m guessing they added a new textlabel inside a frame and just adjusted the frame size. Since the frame uses a scale it basically moved up to keep the scale, anchorpoint and position on the screen. There may have been constraints working in there to keep the text size the same.


Using the TweenService is the best way to get this done. You can use it for both moving and animating the fade.

Example on how to fade:

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")
local label = --location of textlabel or ui element 
--set the transparency of the label to either 1 or whatever you want it to start at

local tween = TweenService:Create(label, TweenInfo.new(1), {Transparency = 0})
--play tween with Tween:Play() when you need to
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How can you control the tween time , from 1 to 0? or is that the …new(1) … guess I need to run the code…

That is the 1. TweenInfo passes multiple parameters, if you just put a number it is the amount of seconds it takes for the tween to complete.

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