Text filtering in Manage Translations window should be less invasive for some languages

As Roblox Translator, it is currently too hard to translate games correctly for some languages due to the English Text Filters.

The problem is that for some languages like Dutch the some default words are getting filtered by the English text filtering. This makes it sometimes hard to translate games correctly for example translating tutorials and storylines, because you can’t use “how” and “must” in Dutch.

For the example of which words are getting filtered I will use Dutch. But maybe other languages are having similar issues.

Dutch // English

  • Hoe // How
  • Moet // Must
  • Eens // Once
  • Sluit // Close
  • Steen // Stone
  • Kunt // Can

The solution could be if the English text filter could be disabled for languages that are experiencing this problem or just all of them. What means that translators can translate more correctly without getting an error message and bypassing it.

Possible Problems after the solution
People abuse it to bypass the English filter on other language pages, but you sort of can already swear in other languages so I personally don’t see why someone would do that. Otherwise others could still report that game that abuses it.


The current localization system is totally broken. If you go on the website to translate the description of a game, you translate it, click save and it says I have to check for moderation every single time. The text I translated can in no way be offensive or anything like that. The worst part is that you have no way of knowing what were moderated. So its better to just give up and don’t translate at all.

This system needs some big changes because translating is a big pain at the moment. I don’t know what to do about it and I need help to solve this problem.

My account is 13+ so that should not be the issue.


I am having the same problem, actually not only me.

For several months of translating games, I’ve had occured such problem, as censoring some translated words, or ‘Save’ not working. This but must be fixed because translators sometimes must use patience or different words, which in their language are fake.

. Second bug is “Save” thing. It’s almost glitchy all the time, however sometimes it’s working.

Please do something with this, or hire (as a company) translators, that as moderators would check if our translations are fine, eventually translate roblox itself. Of course it will be impossible for every language, as in Africa for example, there are MANY languages, but probably some people won’t translate for a such language. Although, you might do a trust factor for some of chosen translators. Please think about it and most important, fix ‘save’.

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