Okay, so I had this idea for a weird game, mostly meant to be a joke, but I’m not sure how to get my idea onto the script. I’m new to scripting still, and want to learn more. Anyway, here’s my idea for the game. 10 players maximum per server, and each person has a textbox GUI. Whatever they type into the textbox shows above their head. I want the overhead GUI to stay above their heads until they type something new. I’m not sure how to make the textbox show above their heads. Thank you for your help!
You need to use a billboardgui and attach it to the head. I’m not entirely sure how, but here’s the class BillboardGui | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
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Thanks, that helps a lot. But, how do I get it to show what the players type into the screen GUI text box?
Oh, sorry I read this incorrectly. I thought you meant a textlabel. You need to do the designing of the billboard gui through script, as far as I’m aware there’s no graphical way to do so. I think you can use any gui element in the billboard gui.
Thank you. I’ll try it out. Like I said, I’m still a beginner to scripting, but I’ll try. I appreciate your help.
I don’t know much about billboard Gui, but I hope you can get your game feature working!