Text Label Display Delay

I am having issues with a text label in a billboard gui not updating:

This is an example of a module script inside a folder in replicated storage, it gets required by the client.

Whenever the player clicks it makes a bullet and minuses 1 from the current ammo.

I then update the billboard gui in a render stepped function.

This is where I am experiencing an issue:

Here the text property of the label updates correctly showing ‘25/30’ but the actual label in game shows ‘26/30’. This difference of 1 occurs all the way to when the ammo count is 0 (which displays correctly a ‘0/30’ in the label’s text property but a ‘1/30’ in game)

I do not know if this is a studio error or if I am doing something wrong. Please help.

I have tried:

  • Using a text label in the PlayerGUI instead, but I experienced the same error
  • using number values and using the ‘Changed’ signal to update the text, but I experienced the same error

thanks for all your help but i managed to solve it!


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