Text label lines

I konw, that this is really biginers question. How to make second line in text label?


When setting the text on a TextLabel you can use "\n" to go to a new line like this:

TextLabel.Text = "This text is on the first line\nThis text is on the second line"

If you want to do it manually you can use a text editor and it preserves the new lines. The notepad app will work. (You just copy and paste it from notepad into the TextLabel)


and when i use properity box, not script

Using ‘\n’ works well when scripting (and i guess that’s what you want), but if you’re looking to change it using the properties in studio, you can type out the text in notepad, copy it, and then paste it into the Text property and it will preserve the newlines from notepad.


ok thx, i was tring to use \n in properities, and it did not work

Yea, I had the same issue a while back.

I’ve been trying to do this for a while and your comment helped me a lot

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