Text/Label Markdown/CSS/Formatting

It is currently impossible to use colour codes, similar to Minecraft, or markdown, or a version of CSS in text. Can this please be added?

This has been requested for years (2015 and before) to no avail (I would bump the posts, but I don’t have access)

Use cases

Make GUIs look nicer.
Which looks better?
Player has joined the game. or

On top of this, pretty much every platform has support to this.

And finally, yes, you can do this with GetTextSize, but it’s significantly harder to do this with multi-line text and would just be easier to have it built-in natively.

Pretty much all the core scripts (or at least Chat) utilise this via hacky methods, so why is it not just built-in?


A sort of custom MarkdownLabel where you can use things like BBCode, Markdown, etc. to add colours, change fonts (e.g. SourceSans → SourceSansBold, or have a font just for referring to player names), font sizes, etc. basically, any attribute that can be edited in a text label.

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