I am trying to make the text on the text label change to the RGB colour I have set
I have looked on the developer forum but none of the solutions have been working. It’s certainly not the whole script because everything before this certain line of code works perfectly fine.
Still does not change colour, so it is a problem with the line of code. It cannot be the local either as the text runs on the same one. The lines underneath also work, so it’s not appearing up as an error.
client won’t do anything. You can change anything on the server UI related. Even a player’s UI can be changed on the server if desired. My game has multiple player uis running on the server and it works just fine. Only difference is the input delay if it has constantly changing text.
Well then I would like a print of the textcolor afterwards. It’s important to debug code. If you’re not seeing a change it could be something in your workspace instead of the code or something you just don’t see.
I’m really sorry, I do not know much scripting at all like I said in the main post. I am trying my best but I really do not know how to print the textcolor of it. I am really sorry for being a pain. I just know the basics pretty much, I learned tweening not long ago and functions I find easy,
It’s fine, after the textcolor is changed go add this line.
and make sure you have the output/console open which is found in the “view” panel on studio. If you don’t have that open that might be the problem seeing as you might have an error somewhere.,