Hello, The text wont change, I have tryed 2 ways and it didnt work, what do I do?
local Text = script.Parent.Text
script.Value.Value.Touched:Connect(function()--value is child of script
Text = "Hello"
Text = "Did you fall from that hole..?"
Text = "Thats bad"
Text = "you will need to fight the king if you want to escape"
Text = "But before..."
Text = "you will need to train"
And change every time you reference that Text variable to Text.Text. You can’t change text like that, you have to reference the object with the Text Property and retrieve Text yourself
Also, if I may ask, is this in a localscript? You may need to do some detection since once a single player touches it, all the text for others will change
No, it will show for everyone, you need to do a statement to confirm that the player who touches is the same player. Basically, do something like this
local Text = script.Parent
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
script.Value.Value.Touched:Connect(function(hit)--value is child of script
if not player.Character or not hit:IsDescendantOf(player.Character) then return end
Text.Text = "Hello"
Text.Text = "Did you fall from that hole..?"
Text.Text = "Thats bad"
Text.Text = "you will need to fight the king if you want to escape"
Text.Text = "But before..."
Text.Text = "you will need to train"
This is to ensure that only the player who touched it will get tehir text changed, remember to put the LocalScript in a palce where it can actually run, such as StarterPlayerScripts for example.
Or you could just put this in a regular script and get the player via the parameter you get from touched, which is the thing that hit the part and just get the player and change it from there