Text not updating when value changed

So heres the backstory for this script.
Im making it so a value is gonna be displayed at the text label whenever it gets changed. However, for some reason it does not update. help.

	if ReactOn then
		temp.Value = Data.Tempa.Text
	if temp.Value > 6000 then
		Data.Tempa.TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(255, 0, 0)
	if temp.Value < 6000 then
		Data.Tempa.TextColor = Color3.fromRGB(0, 255, 0)

-Note : temp and ReactorOn local shorting for the values. the script takes the value from RS.-

Just use temp.Changed.

How are you updating the value?

the server updates the value. its dependant on RNG

this results in useless firing, getpropertychangedsignal is objectively superior

is ReactOn true at anytime? (maybe your rng is not working…?)

also, the textcolor won’t update if the value is 6000

But with .Changed you get the value too without reading it.

indexing per fire is more efficient than firing per every property change; your reasoning is flawed

I think you need to switch temp.Value = Data.Tempa.Text > to > Data.Tempa.Text = temp.Value

The SurfaceGui has a property call Adornee. Click set that to the part you intend to display the GUI. May also need to check you’re on the right face.