Text on a billboard GUI keeps on growing the more further I get away from it

I am trying to make a text GUI that indicates the team on a spawn point, It is for some sort of builder game.

[Here is the video of my issue]

I have tried changing offset to scale and vice versa, and nothing is working at all!

(EDIT: I am sorry for the horrible video quality, My computer is pretty old.)

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Here you have a text, you can check and tell me if your error is solved.
Text.rbxl (23.9 KB)


i think supposed to be like that, so you be able to see from far away.

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It worked like a charm! I would like to see how you do it so I can customize it!

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I’m glad that it worked for you, I really don’t know how to show you, but if you want to change the color or the text, just go to “TextLabel” and modify what you need.

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