'Text' property from TextLabel only updates once RichText is enabled

I’m experiencing a bug; I try to update the ‘Text’ property of a TextLabel with the following code


	local function updateBillboard(customBillboard)
		local Container_Items = customBillboard:WaitForChild("Background_NPC"):WaitForChild("QuestionFrame"):WaitForChild("Container_Items")

		for _, itemFrame in ipairs(Container_Items:GetChildren()) do
			if not string.find(itemFrame.Name, "ItemFrame") then 

			local ViewportContainer = itemFrame:WaitForChild("ViewportContainer")
			local viewPort = ViewportContainer:FindFirstChildOfClass("ViewportFrame") 

			local AmountLabel = ViewportContainer:FindFirstChild("AmountLabel")
			local itemName = viewPort.Name
			local amount = tonumber(string.split(AmountLabel.Text, "/")[1])
			local inventoryAmount = tonumber(LocalPlayerData.Inventory[itemName])

			AmountLabel.Text = tostring(string.format(strFormatAmountVSInventoryAmount, amount, inventoryAmount))

	local NPCFolder = LocalPlayerData.Plot.plotFolder:WaitForChild("NPC_Folder")
	for _, npc in ipairs(NPCFolder:GetChildren()) do
		local billboard = npc:FindFirstChild(NPC_CustomBillboard.Name)
		if billboard then

	local gui = getScreenGui()
	local billboard = gui:FindFirstChild(NPC_CustomBillboard.Name)
	if billboard then

Everything works just fine; in the Property window, I notice that the text property is indeed the value I have set it to. Though, I don’t see the text visual on my screen. The visible property is true, the position is correct, everything should be fine. And everything does work once I set the rich text property to true.

Additionally, when I change the text in the property window manually, then the visual text inside of the textlabel does change.

A private message is associated with this bug report

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Try and Ensure that PlayerItems has the correct data model for each item
and that Validate that AmountLabel.Text (or what ever you call it) is formatted right for every item

I’m 100% sure that all that kinds of parameters are correct.

I’m convinced this is a studio bug.

Thanks for thinking with me though!

Attaching a repro place file would help engineers looking over this!

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Thank you for the report! So AmountLabel is only displaying when RichText is true?

As @prepsure mentioned, if you’re able to reduce this down to as small of a repro case as possible and attach a place file, that will help accelerate the investigation (if possible).

I am not able to give you a place file because the system I’ve made is pretty complex and I failed mimmicking the exact problem that occurs in my own game. I’m sorry.

Is there any other information I can give you that helps you with tracking down this problem?