\\ About this project \\
So I have developed this new system that converts text / Ascii into physical models that render in realtime. that being said, the system is still being worked on and I am making it as much customizable as possible. Currently, the UI is very simple and plain. Like I said before the system IS Still being worked on.
\\ Showcase \\
\\ Accessibility \\
To be clear, I am still working on the project. and let’s be honest here, people can abuse this system by rendering inappropriate images/scenery. So please do not abuse this system by doing that kind of stuff thanks (I’m not responsible for any models you make)
Game Link: Model Generator - Roblox [READ DESC]
(This link will give you access to this so you can try it out, I’m working on a plugin that will do this on Roblox studio which would be very helpful for sure)
\\ Feedback \\
I would love to hear your opinions about this system, maybe add more suggestions to it. or criticize it, etc.
\\ Templates you can use \\
Roblox logo: Roblox logo ascii -
Half life logo: