Text to morse, fast and dynamic

Second “Helpful” post of the day, Here we go, Alright, so I made a module that transforms text into morse, look

-- MorseCodeModule

local MorseCodeModule = {}

-- Morse code dictionary
local morseCode = {
    ["A"] = ".-",      ["B"] = "-...",    ["C"] = "-.-.",    ["D"] = "-..",
    ["E"] = ".",       ["F"] = "..-.",    ["G"] = "--.",     ["H"] = "....",
    ["I"] = "..",      ["J"] = ".---",    ["K"] = "-.-",     ["L"] = ".-..",
    ["M"] = "--",      ["N"] = "-.",      ["O"] = "---",     ["P"] = ".--.",
    ["Q"] = "--.-",    ["R"] = ".-.",     ["S"] = "...",     ["T"] = "-",
    ["U"] = "..-",     ["V"] = "...-",    ["W"] = ".--",     ["X"] = "-..-",
    ["Y"] = "-.--",    ["Z"] = "--..",
    ["1"] = ".----",   ["2"] = "..---",   ["3"] = "...--",   ["4"] = "....-", 
    ["5"] = ".....",   ["6"] = "-....",   ["7"] = "--...",   ["8"] = "---..", 
    ["9"] = "----.",   ["0"] = "-----",
    [" "] = " "

function MorseCodeModule.textToMorse(text)
    text = text:upper()
    local morse = ""
    for i = 1, #text do
        local char = text:sub(i, i)
        morse = morse .. (morseCode[char] or "")
        if char ~= " " then
            morse = morse .. " "
    return morse

return MorseCodeModule

**Example :**

local MorseCodeModule = require(game:GetService(“ServerScriptService”).MorseCodeModule)

local text = “HELLO SKIBIDI”
local morse = MorseCodeModule.textToMorse(text)

Why did you post the same resource but with poor formatting?

ignore this post, accidentally did it because i had a pending post already

This somehow works, i have no idea if you stole this or not.
bravo if you didnt

I assure you, i didn’t stole it, Bold of you to assume that, anyways, thank u !, hope u enjoy it