I am currently creating a radio system for this project, and I am creating a TextLabel inside a Frame, but when I print its TextBounds, it returns Also, this is on the server
But, when I look in the explorer, it doesn’t return ‘0, 0’:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
if radio_on and currentCategory then
local temp_name = ui_teams.name:Clone()
local new_category = ui_teams:FindFirstChild(currentCategory)
temp_name.Parent = new_category
temp_name.Name = plr.Name
temp_name.Text = string.format("[%s]: %s", plr.Name, tostring(args[3]))
temp_name.Visible = true
temp_name.Size = UDim2.new(1, 0, 0, temp_name.TextBounds.Y)
Thanks for the reply, but I have tried your reply and it still seems to return ‘0, 0’, I am not entirely sure if it’s on the server, or I am doing something wrong. Thanks again for your reply.
Also, sorry if I wasn’t clear enough, let me try to elaborate more:
I am making the TextLabel size.Y to fit the TextBounds.Y property, but like I said before, it’s returning ‘0, 0’.
As for your chat system, try to create your UI elements client-side, and keep UI and server more separate - that is, server-code stays in ServerScriptService while your UI is in the player’s PlayerGui.